The general public is often unaware of what happens to works created and produced at Le Grand Café beyond the ephemeral period of the public exhibition. Some continue to circulate in major exhibitions, others join public or private collections in France or abroad. Many of them become key works in the artists’ careers.
‘Production en revue’ aims to look again at noteworthy works produced in Saint-Nazaire through an analytical text written to explore their creation, place them in the artist’s wider practice and reveal the artistic concerns from which they arise.
Each text has a different author, art critic or art historian with an extensive knowledge of the artist’s work, and revisits the results of a process of research.
The texts in this collection are published online at irregular intervals, gradually building up a widely accessible resource that reminds us that while artists’ creations are indeed objects of the senses, they are also objects of study; objects to make us think and to think about.